Our Story
Acumen Resources was started in 2006 with a number of loyal corporate clients that had gravitated to John Tritschler’s personal crafting of customized outplacement solutions and his consistent efforts to deliver more than is required. As remains true today, the founding intent was to be a boutique with hands on, service-delivering leaders and to target customers that sought business substance rather than size and marketing generated service mirages.
John leverages a knowledge-driven approach to securing client win-win ROI and results by: valuing personal communications; the courage to provide honest situational assessments/evaluations; and timely, pro-active “golden rule” customer service and follow-through. The benefits of this more intensive style include: learning organizational cultures and decision making styles; identifying emerging industry/segment trends; and revealing candidates’ actual vs. showcase individual qualities, backgrounds and unique circumstances.
John believes the outplacement/recruiting bar has been lowered by “jack of all trades” firms claiming customized expertise yet employing a contradictory willingness to be everything to everybody. John sees the firms touting size or a lengthy listing of pre-determined programs, allegedly proprietary processes or publication-based marketing are actually masking the need for “one size fits all” standardization required for multi-location quality control. Their use of part-time project contractors or low cost “sink or swim” hires – relying on “post and pray” and “buzz word bingo” methods are indicative of a lack of true subject matter expertise.
“While there are common elements between outplacement and recruiting because of broadly belong to the employment industry, the problem solving starting point for each discipline is also very different, which produces a multifaceted dynamic benefiting both the companies and candidates we serve. ”
As Acumen Resources moves forward, you can count on our time-tested boutique pedigree will deliver customized and business savvy ROI results to your outplacement and recruiting needs.
Our Team
John Tritschler
John began his outplacement consulting career in 1994. Prior to starting Acumen Resources in 2006, John managed Trainor/Frank’s outplacement division for 12 years building its sales, credibility and professionalism to match the firm’s reputation in recruiting. He is recognized by repeat customers for bringing common sense, big picture perspectives to company and candidate outplacement needs, strategies and problem solving. For these reasons, several outplacement clients also began turning to John to serve their recruiting needs, especially where the business and cultural fit demanded exacting precision and judgment.
“I sincerely look forward to going to work every day. It’s a great fit for a creative, problem solving analytic. You use both sides of your brain – you are a catalyst to turning around negatives often impacting more than a job by providing practical and motivational insights to help people see themselves in a bigger way and as a result take control of defining their futures.”
John’s career foundations include being a cum laude graduate of Marquette University, as well as from its Law School. After graduation, he served with the Wisconsin Supreme Court featuring his research and writing skills and then proceeded into 12 years in private legal practice assisting a diverse array of corporations and entrepreneurs as a “hands on” adviser, officer and director. This resulted in working for a client’s retail clothing chain as its Vice President of Administration with responsibilities in human resources, marketing and the refocusing of its product lines and operations.
John's eclectic interests and career experiences, including career change and business ownership, differentiates his outplacement insights and advice.
Outside of work, John enjoys sports, youth coaching, politics and cooking.
“These interests are similar to business – small details and variables can change the results in a big way.”
Despite growing up in Illinois, John's "excellent judgment" is evidenced by being an intense Brewers and Packers fan.
“You have to root where you pay your taxes.”
Learn more about John’s work at: